I laugh the people who think they can spark a relationship via twitter and facebook, specifically those people who live miles away from each other. If a long distance relationship typically doesn’t work, what makes you think an internet one will! Those “hey you got a boyfriend?” messages and those “oomf need to holla at me” tweets are laughable. Why do you feel the need to ask me if I have a boyfriend? You live in Wisconsin. And why would I “holla” and I’m on the internet?....you can’t hear me.
     In all seriousness, social relationships are a complete waste of time. It’s simply a way for a seemingly attractive girl or guy to lock you down, cheat on you, and hide the evidence. I say seemingly attractive because we have all seen it, a girl or guy who looks ten times better on facebook than he or she does on twitter. Beware of those.
      This is not to say all hope is lost when you find someone with common interest as you via twitter or facebook. If he or she is relatively close to the city you live in and you are able to meet the person and decide for yourself, then go for it. That way, the relationship is not strictly virtual. Other than that, get over it and move on. There are many more attractive people where they came from…except you will actually be able to have dinner with them….in person, not via skype or oovoo. :)

If not, be best friends. Strangers are always the easiest to tell your life story to. But never disclose too much. Always act with caution while on the internet. It can really be a dangerous place.

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