When it comes to love, girls stop being thirsty. The flaw is that too many ladies are thirsty. It's okay when a guy is thirsty. They are suppose to drool over us. They are suppose to want us! We just shake our heads at them, laugh, and ignore. But it's a problem when ladies are thirsty. When do you know you are thirsty? You are thirsty when you post on facebook, twitter, and wherever else that you want a boyfriend. You are thirsty when you let the world know you are desperate for affection. If you aren't dating a guy and you already sound like Rihanna in "You da one" then you are thirsAnd once a guy realizes you are thirsty, they have the upper hand. They don’t deserve the upper hand, at least not yet.
     My advice? Wait. Wait for the guy that will show you that you are worth it. Wait for the guy who wants you for you. There are two types of girls. Girls who have many options and girls who have very limited options. Either way, waiting is the answer. If you are one of those ladies that has options, don’t settle. Wait for the guy that reaches your standards. At the same time, don’t overlook the guy who may not fit your ideal physical match because the way he feels for you may be exactly what you need in your life. You may be the baddest girl in town, but the most handsome guy may not be able provide the attention you need. The richest guy may not be able to provide the compassion you need. However, a okay looking guy could be the one that meets all your needs. Which do you value more?
     On the other hand, if you are a lady who feels your options are very limited. Don’t go for the first guy who tells you that you are pretty. Guys have a “secret code.” With observation, it’s not hard to crack. Many are simple minded. If a guy tells you “I’m not like other guys” approach with caution, because he is probably like all the other guys who said they weren’t like other guys too.  If he starts talking about past relationships, he’s just trying to get you to open up about your sex life. If he asks to play “21 questions”….he does not know how to properly learn about you #immature. Or….the guy really may not be like other guys, he may really want to open up about his ex’s, and he may sincerely be interested in your life. But this is rare. It is so sad to say I’ve heard and fallen for ALLLLL of these situations. No real damage done, but at the same time, I realized the codes early and did not get further involved with any of the guys.
     I have been single my entire high school career. I have talked to plenty, but I cannot say I have let myself be vulnerable enough to “fall.” For the longest, I thought this was a flaw. I realize now that my priorities are much different from many girls my age, and that fact attributes to much of my success. The way I see it, college will provide so many opportunities for dating and relationships. Right now, my focus continues to be school, and if a good guy happens to cross my path along the road, cool. The difference is that I am not searching, I am not eager, nor am I thirsty.
     A good guy will treasure you. Every aspect of you. And most important, he will find you. Listen to this poem. Accept the guy who values you. He may even be a “nerd” but those smart ones tend to know what’s up <3.