It feels so good to re connect with an old friend. Many of us are guilty of having a best friend in grade school or middle school that we didn't stay connected with in high school. You know, that person you hung out with, shared secrets with, and played at recesses with. I'm here to tell you that the bond is still there. Although you may have grown your separate ways, reconnecting is easier than it seems. once I opened the door to my old friendship, I found it just as easy to open up and communicate just like we use to. I've missed my old friend. Now that we are back in touch, I feel like I have so much catching up to do. But, because of our previous bond, it is so much more easy to be completely real and comfortable. I guess the point of the entry is to encourage readers to go and get their friends back. ESPECIALLY if you fell off for no real reason. No matter how independent one claims to be, no one can truly make it without at least one great friend.

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