


    Yesterday, my mom told me we are going to start going back to church. We stopped going to church regularly like six months ago, maybe more. I got too busy, and when I wasn't busy, she was. Then when neither of us were busy, we tried to blame it on the church itself, for not being "for us."
    I still completely believe the people there need much work, but you can never blame a church for your lack of attendance. You go to church for God. I would be lying if I said my pastor wasn't filled to the brim with God. His sermons are ALWAYS spot on. I stopped going because I no longer felt compelled to. It became more of a burden to get up on Sunday or stop doing school work on Wednesday in order to go. My priority was no longer church.
    Now the point of this entry is not to say that one can make it without church. At first, I thought that I would be saying "you don't need church to be close with God." I do believe that to some extent. But I would be lying to you if I said I have not gone astray because I have not been hanging out with like-minded people. My new crowd is not a "christian crowd" therefore I do feel a sort of disconnect. I don't automatically put God first anymore. I don't remember to pray. I don't feel compelled to thank God for everything.
    I can honestly say I blame my attitude on my failure to attend church. My failure to allow myself to be filled spiritually. That bi-weekly routine kept me on track. Church reminded me of my priorities and held me to my obligations to Christ. Without church, it is really easy for people to just....forget. So I am saying here and now that church is essential. And if you just can't go to church, make it a point to sit and have some sort of Bible study. You HAVE to stay grounded. If you don't, it becomes very easy to be tempted. And being tempted without being filled spiritually is like showing up to a boxing match without fighting gear on. You are unprepared to face the enemy. Don't be unprepared.
11/17/2011 12:30:39 pm

that is rite on time!

1/3/2012 12:46:25 am

Thank you!

11/19/2011 09:59:31 pm

So well put Daughter. That is where foresaking not the assembling of ourselves comes in. It is required that we assemble with like minded people. I chose not to assemble...WRONG choice!!! My body is too weak to take these blows that the enemy is propeling at me. The Joy of the Lord has left me...therefore my strength is gone. My fuse is short. All because of the excuse that I am just to tired. I have no strength, I have no joy... ????? WHY? Because the Joy of the Lord IS our strength. I NEEEED the Joy of the Lord.

1/3/2012 12:47:00 am

Mom...don't read my blog. lol JKJKJK THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I LOVE YOU !

John Arrington Jr.
2/7/2012 10:42:17 am

This is so true. I was just explaining this to one of my important to stay around the fire.


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