In leaving for school I realize several things. I realize that fear of the unknown and where life will lead is real. I realize that I really never may see some of the people that mean the most to me ever again. This is not out of my own accord, but because life presents situations that may prevent reunions from occurring. I realize tears will be shed. I realize there are not enough hours before the flight to truly say “goodbye.”
    The scary part is saying goodbye. Riding through the city for what may very well be the last time. Moving to a city with bigger and better things to offer does present the opportunity to never look back. “You will come back for Christmas break” they say. “You will come back for holidays.” The scary part is not knowing for certain if that is true. 
    Regardless of whether you are coming back are not, there is some advice of “farewells” that I would like to share. The things I did, I should of done, and regret not doing.
Things I did:
Farewell Journal
    A farewell journal is a composition notebook, or notebook of any sort, that your friends write your fondest memories and say their ‘good byes” or “see ya laters” in. It acts like a year book without the pictures. I think the journal is more personal. Friends feel more comfortable writing in it. They also are not as limited for space.  It is more of a book that you can keep if you are like me and do not want to ruin your yearbook or cannot afford one.

2. Made rounds
    When it came down to leaving, I had people to see and places to go. My best friend and I went to dinner and then made our rounds. Sometimes the sweetest visits are the unexpected ones. The day prior to leaving, gas up the car and go see your friends. Make sure to have your farewell journal handy. Go to your favorite local frozen yogurt place for the last time and fill it to the brim. Savor each bite.

    This is one of those YOLO moments where you get off your chest all of the feelings you have. Let your friends know you love them by actually saying it. Give them a long hug. And for those of you with significant others, a long kiss. Make sure to express your feelings 100% or you will leave feeling incomplete. I got so much off of my chest the night before I left that I went to sleep feeling empty. Empty is a nice feeling to have sometimes. When the weight is lifted and the emotions are out, you can truly leave in peace.

Things I should have done:
1. Let people know.
    Unlike several of my friends, I had an early departure. Some of my closest friends had no idea of when I was leaving and the departure date crept up out of no where. Nothing hurts more than being notified by Twitter or Facebook that a good friend is leaving in a day or two. Even worse is being notified hours before. Despite the business of your schedule prior to leaving, personally sending a text or call to let people know when you leave is important. I made the mistake of posting it to social networks and putting the responsibility on my friends to know when I leave. This prevented me from saying a proper goodbye to several.

2. Pack
    This is self explanatory. Do not be like me. I was still packing up until I got everything in the car. Packing for college is a process that truly takes weeks. Not one night. Things got left behind that I really wanted. Chargers, toiletries, clothing items, shoes, sunglasses, jewelry were all lost in the chaos.

3. Clean
I left my room a mess.. I wish I would have hid a couple things a little better as well. Haha. Don't be surprised if you come back to a room totally wiped out of any sign of you. But no seriously, after you pack, strip your bed and wash your sheets. You should vacuum and fold up your clothes. Make it easier on your parents and future company.

            In all the chaos of packing, seeing friends, and getting ready, I really regret one thing. I neglected my family. As I write this I am crying for my mom. I know I know, I seriously have only been here a day and I miss her so much. I did not even spend my last night in my house. My last day home, my friends were turning up at my house from 10 AM until 4PM even as I departed. There was no time at all my last week to sit with my mom. Let me rephrase that, I didn’t make time. I did not save space or room for the person who means the most. Even as I got out the car and went to the airport our hug was short and artificial because I was late for my flight. It really hurts. I did notsee my brother, who I have not seen in ages. I did not see my grandparents. I did not see my aunts. I did not see my uncles. It hurts be sent off improperly by family. However, it happened, and that is the main regret that I have.
    Despite my regrets, my advice, if taken, should heed an enjoyable departure. Do not be afraid to shed a tear or two for who or what you are leaving behind. It is a natural process for someone going into something new. Although I did not shed tears while leaving, the tears shed for me where deeply appreciated.
    College will be so exciting. It will provide so much knowledge and experience in this world that I am eager to explore. Looking forward to taking this journey
. Through my blog, I hope to help you as well. 

Extra advice for incoming freshmen?
How was your experience preparing for college?