During his travels, his thoughts comforted him. There, he could momentarily escape from the limitless expanse that made up his eternal surroundings. But even in the comfort of his own thoughts, the obscurity began to creep in. Like a vague shadow, his bright and vivid visions became dull. His thoughts were tainted by his ominous surroundings. He could never be certain of when he was thinking, being, living. Everything was so monotonous, so mundane, so lifeless. And he was all too conscious of the matter that he became repulsed by the  notion of his bleak and colorless thoughts. Only when he submitted to his unconscious mind did his visions come to life.

Escape to that place
Escape to that nocturnal state
Where subconscious thoughts become reality

Just like the wind
Unseen but certain are the images
That can only be obtained
Behind black lids

For when the crease of light is let in
One is incapable of making out
The images that can only be
Obtained by the subconscious mind

As the rays of light slip beyond the horizon
Rush to that safe place
Where there is only one key
That unlocks the images that only one can see

         Alas, the void had become his version of light? As if opening his eyes to the absence of light was his new day. A paradox that can only be understood by the man living in this desolate lot alone with no vices, no color, no peace of mind. He was eager to escape to the wondrous alternate reality that he created in his unconscious mind. A world that he manipulated into his own, full of color, joy, patterns, shapes, sounds, rhythms…her.  A vague form appeared. The black silhouette of women surround by rays of retro light. She lived in a world of fiction that could be swept away with the blink of an eye, or the opening of an eye, because that would signify the “light” being let in, or his new found version of day. Waking up, for him, was a dreadful notion. Leaving her behind in his dreams; unthinkable. 

To be continued....January 12, 2012